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Benefits of enduring hunger

Benefits of enduring hunger

Hunger is often seen as a negative emotion and is avoided at all costs, unfortunately many people do not know what hunger really feels like, hunger and cravings are two completely different sensations and it is very important to differentiate the two to avoid eating when the body is not in need. mechanism.

Hunger occurs in the stomach or brain, nutritious food will satisfy hunger, but only some foods will satisfy cravings, which are an emotional feeling rather than a real material desire, and in this case the hunger will not disappear unless you eat, the cravings come and go despite Of eating.

The benefits of hunger

Detoxify the body

The body can work to completely remove toxins when there is no food entering your body, and when you eat your body works to break down and digest the food coming to it, and it either excretes, stores, or burns waste, and it is important to give your body a break from time to time in order to Clear toxins and allow the body to get rid of them.

Resting the digestive system

If you consume food constantly, the digestive system works overtime hours without interruption. When you eat, the digestive tract breaks down the food, and your stomach continuously digests food, and it secretes many enzymes and nutrients that are bound together to send them to different tissues throughout. Body, give your body a break from time to time so that the digestive system can properly heal and rejuvenate, and you will notice that many of the digestive problems you suffer from are resolved automatically.

Helps heal diseases

When you catch the flu or various other diseases, your appetite often disappears. Have you ever thought about why this happens? The answer is that your body senses an unbalanced situation and your hunger signals end, thus it can cleanse and detoxify itself, and if there is a constant flow of incoming foods it can significantly delay the healing process (depending on your illness).

Insulin sensitivity treatment

When you allow yourself to feel hungry from time to time, blood sugar balances improve and your body's sensitivity to insulin improves, and this matter is very important, as insulin is of great importance in the human body, so the more disciplined the body is able to process the carbohydrates you eat Better.

It improves mental health and mood

There is a new study, which indicated that fasting may strengthen the immune system, boost mood, improve sleep, and even enhance your sex life, because unfortunately hunger is one of the strongest of all our instincts, so it may be overcoming the desire to eat. Difficult.

Research has also shown that linking the psychological state to hunger can help facilitate this activity. For example, fasting is part of many monotheistic religions, and brain scans have shown that prayer and meditation lead to more activity in the frontal lobe, which helps Individuals need to be calmer, less reactionary, and able to cope with stress, so you can meet both to alleviate hunger and get more health and religious benefits.

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